EMDR Therapist in Bismarck, ND

Dr David Brooks uses EMDR Therapy to help people heal from deep traumas, conquer addictions and overcome fears.

Watch my interview with KX News to learn more.

Play Video about News anchor discussing health headlines and EMDR therapy.

What is EMDR Therapy?

Eye Movement and Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy was created by Dr. Francine Shapiro in the late 1980’s.

It has been found to be a very effective method for counteracting Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). EMDR therapy is also often effective in helping individuals suffering with specific fears.

In addition, EMDR protocols have been developed and used often with good outcomes to reduce cravings and some other disorders.

How does Dr. Brooks prepare patients for EMDR therapy?

You will be asked to complete background history prior to your first appointment with Dr. Brooks. This will include details such as personal and family history medical and psychological history, your current medications, insurance details, etc.

The first meeting with Dr. Brooks will consist of introduction and discussion of your objectives and experience with therapy and expectations. A formal clinical interview will be completed. Dr. Brooks will then assist you to obtain adequate readiness and comfort before moving ahead with treatment.

Can Dr. Brooks administer EMDR therapy remotely?

Amazingly, there is now another way to experience EMDR therapy without having to be treated in the office. Dr. Brooks has purchased remotEMDR and is able to use a virtual EMDR lightbar experience over Google Chrome connecting to your home computer or possibly another device.

This lightbar also has sound capability and Dr. Brooks can select desired color of stimulus followed and control speed of eye movement.


How does Dr. Brooks administer Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy?

When Dr. Brooks sees patients in his office, he uses a wall mounted “state of the art” light bar. Dr Brooks will have the individual he is treating visualize the earliest upsetting life memory that is still quite bothersome when remembered and will have that person, then move his or her eyes back and forth, following the lights on the lightbar.

Interestingly, while following the lights, a person may keep that picture, go to other pictures or may even sometimes experience having a “blank mind” briefly. The objective is to start with the picture and follow the lights; the objective is not necessarily to keep the picture. It is typical for a patient to experience relaxation and less upset when doing this.

Some traumatized individuals say they feel tired, perhaps not being familiar with feeling relaxed, or maybe really being tired with poor sleep due to trauma related anxiety. There are a few things Dr. Brooks will measure to determine when a given upsetting memory has been worked through, when the person has achieved a more positive thought (cognition) related to that former upset and is time to move the next upsetting memory.

Dr. Brooks has often heard “that event is so big and so upsetting, I will never get through it” and many times within a session or two is no longer bothered significantly by that memory. Once a traumatic life event is sufficiently desensitized with EMDR therapy, the effect tends to be resilient and that event is usually no longer bothersome, but can be treated further if it resurfaces at some point.

The light bar that Dr. Brooks has in his office also has connected headphones, allowing sounds to be heard on in each ear when the lights get to each side of the lightbar. The person being treated will also hold something in each hand which will vibrate slightly when the lights reach each side of the light bar. The sound and the vibration likely add a little to the effectiveness of the alternating stimulation of the sides of the brain, but the eye movement probably accounts for much of the relief. There are some choices in color lights going across the lightbar and Dr. Brooks can control the speed of movement, which appears to be an important element in the effectiveness of treatment.

Dr. Brooks’ preferences and style

Dr. Brooks values humor in good taste and usually practices casually in blue jeans. He is hopeful that your experience with him will be rather enjoyable and that he will provide you significant relief from upsetting memories, fears and be able to assist you in reducing unwanted cravings, if any.

Thank you very much for your time and consideration of treatment by Dr. David Brooks at Dakota Trauma Therapy.

Real people who have been helped by Dr. Brooks